Health is Wealth, Health is above Evetything!
Today, Health is the most important thing in our lives. Lets face it, without it, we won’t be happy, and we won’t be wealthy in terms of it. It is more important than anything else. Material things come and go, but our health is number one out of everything else.
Health is not just about physical and medical, health is also about how people deal with emotional, mental and relationship health. In this life we have so much stress, life has become so fast paced and there are not enough hours in the day sometimes to fulfill everything we need to do, and sometimes things happen out of the blue which we cannot get to, people are so busy with school, work, home and so many responsibilities pile up, commitments we must attend to and everyone has worries and everything, which can lead to mental, emotional stress and its a crazy thing we all go through. In this day in age, a lot of families do not have too much time together as people have to work a lot harder to upkeep, put a roof over their heads, and so much more. It puts a number on people and its an unfair world we live in these days, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do right?
LAYING DOWN IS THE MOST BENEFICAL WAY TO SAUNA- Laying down is the most effective and comfortable way to take a sauna. Not only is it more relaxing but there are important physiological reasons why laying down is more therapeutic than sitting. Laying down in the dome promotes distinct cardiovascular and neurological advantages. Laying down relieves the nervous system and cardiovascular system of the extra stress that is required to maintain an erect posture. Gravity places a burden on the system which is why the rest and repair of sleep is naturally laying down. The cardiovascular system is relieved from postural demands in the a laying down position. Under the heat stress which is common in a sauna the regulation of internal body responses toward self healing is maximized with the greatest degree of relaxation. Keeping the head outside and cool while laying down is the optimal way to get the most benefits with the least discomfort.